Thursday, October 6, 2011

Orange Country!

As most of you know, I graduated from Oklahoma State University's College of Veterinary Medicine......ahem, but a long time ago.  Fortunately for Lee Ann and I, we moved to an area whose high school shared OSU's colors, orange and black.  So we have two reasons to have our "Orange Fridays" at the hospital, to support our Waynesville Tigers and also my college alma mater.

So, it should be no surprise to find out that I am out of the hospital for the next few days attending a veterinary conference in Stillwater, Oklahoma on Oklahoma State's campus.  So far, it has been a good and informative meeting, helping me stay current in the ever expanding knowledge base of veterinary medicine.  It also gives Lee Ann an opportunity to shop ---grandkids, get ready for some orange and black presents --and we don't care what your Nebraska Cornhusker and Missouri Tiger dads think!

Go Tigers and Oklahoma State Cowboys!

Dr. Hackworth

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