Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We're Green!

Did you know our hospital has gone green?  Yup, did it about a year ago.  Our hospital policy manual has a section detailing our "environmentally friendly policy."  We sort our refuge by paper, plastics, canned items, batteries, etc.  We have installed motion sensors for certain rooms (our examination rooms' lights are set to turn off after 15 minutes of no motion).  Equipment is turned off at the end of day.  We attempt to purchase the products with the smallest carbon footprint (that extends even to the type of syringes we buy).  Our cleaning products are the most nontoxic we can find that still work.

Next time you are in the office, ask us about the policy.  If you have any suggestions or ideas, let me know!

Dr. Hackworth

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Taking Your Kitty To The Vet

Most cats get stressed when traveling and taking them to our hospital adds even more stress.  Below is a YouTube video which will help both you and your kitty to have less stress coming to the hospital.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lots of Continuing Education!

I (Dr. Hackworth) have been out of town for several days at a couple of conferences. 
Thanks to Drs. Toner and Welker for covering for me while I was traveling.  Via the internet, I traveled to the University of California, Davis for a day's meetings to learn about some cutting edge therapies for various diseases and conditions.
I also traveled to Oklahoma for a two day conference at Oklahoma State University where a host of lecturers presented updated information, or a good review about many topics.  (Everyone wore orange, just like me.)
Finally, I visited Houston, Texas for a day-long meeting where various skin, ear and hormonal conditions were discussed.
All three meetings were diverse in their topics and covered entirely different conditions.  Meetings such as these allow us to remain current on our medical knowledge so we can practice better medicine for you and your pets. More detailed postings after I get some sleep!

Dr. Hackworth

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Orange Country!

As most of you know, I graduated from Oklahoma State University's College of Veterinary Medicine......ahem, but a long time ago.  Fortunately for Lee Ann and I, we moved to an area whose high school shared OSU's colors, orange and black.  So we have two reasons to have our "Orange Fridays" at the hospital, to support our Waynesville Tigers and also my college alma mater.

So, it should be no surprise to find out that I am out of the hospital for the next few days attending a veterinary conference in Stillwater, Oklahoma on Oklahoma State's campus.  So far, it has been a good and informative meeting, helping me stay current in the ever expanding knowledge base of veterinary medicine.  It also gives Lee Ann an opportunity to shop ---grandkids, get ready for some orange and black presents --and we don't care what your Nebraska Cornhusker and Missouri Tiger dads think!

Go Tigers and Oklahoma State Cowboys!

Dr. Hackworth