Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Announcing Barkoberfest!

We will be having a pet costume party on Halloween, October 31st.  Our staff will be in costume and we will have fun with our costumed patients!
I (Dr. Hackworth) will be baking special treats for the pets (thank you Rachel Ray for the recipes) and each "costumed crusader" will receive a goody bag.

Hope to see you there!  Call the office for more information.  336-3759

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Did you know?

Did You Know...
It is widely held, though no one is sure why, that dogs do not see in color. In fact, dogs have trouble distinguishing green, yellow, and red but blue and purple can be seen vividly. As predators, dogs need their vision most to distinguish motion and follow prey through the brush in a hot pursuit. Most of the dog's world is defined by scent, though, as their sense of smell is a good 1000 times stronger than ours.