Pyometra is the medical term used to describe an infected uterus.
Pyometra can be a life threatening infection and may even require emergency surgery. If left untreated, dogs may become very ill and many do not survive. With early treatment (usually emergency surgery, as our patient received), about 90 percent of affected dogs recover.
Since pyometra is an infection of the uterus, all unspayed dogs are susceptible. Usually, pyometra occurs within eight weeks of the dog's last heat cycle due to increased levels of the hormone progesterone. Dogs and cats do not go through menopause, so their ovaries and uterus are always under some sort of hormonal control.
Please watch for:
Vaginal discharge
Lack of appetite
Drinking excessive amounts of water and urinating often
Please spay your pets! The ovaries and uterus are removed so pyometra cannot occur. The uterus below is about 5-6 times the normal size and full of pus.